Monday, March 3, 2008

Auto insurance for teens

Parents of newly minted drivers have much to fret about, with research showing that concerns about teen driving top all other parents worry. In addition to losing sleep, count on significant additional costs, too. Parents can expect their auto premiums nearly double when adding a young driver as 16-year-olds are almost 10 times more likely to get into accidents than other drivers, according 'Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
Controlling the cost of auto insurance for your teen

You can the impact of these expenses and still maintain good coverage of these ten effective ways to control costs of automobile insurance teenage:

* Add your teen to your policy rather than buying a separate cover. The premium rate is generally combined reflect a history of all drivers on the policy.
* Unless your teen drives a vehicle provided more than anyone else, you will save some extra money by designating his "occasional driver" rather than a primary driver.
* Insurance costs will be much higher on new cars and sports, and the highest on the two-door car that cars with four doors.
* If the car is more than six or seven years, consider purchasing liability insurance, but no collision or insurance, or at least get a great franchise collision.
* Take lots extent of the liability, at least 100/300/50.
* If you do not already have a comprehensive policy that adds at least $ 1 million for your car and home, the responsibility to protect. It is relatively cheap insurance, and it is frighteningly easy to run up to seven figure medical and legal costs, with disastrous consequences crashes.
* Check your rates often. Many lower rates for teenagers every six months to a year.
* Some insurers give a discount if your child has a "B" average. Ask.
* Make your teenager responsible for paying a portion of its affordable insurance costs. Determine from your agent exactly what the amount might be increased if it receives a traffic violation, and let her know that she will be responsible for the full amount of such an increase.
* Some insurers offer discounts if teens answer to conduct surveys about their attitudes and fill out a registration form log details of a specific number of episodes of driving shortly after the issuance of permits. You may also be able to obtain a discount following the Crashproof Plan Crashproof or signing of a contract with your teen.

Teen safe driving

Avoiding accidents can save a fortune in repairs and medical expenses, too. Five great ways to help your teen to avoid accidents:

* To reduce the rear crashes, teach your child how emergency braking and maintaining the four seconds of distance from the car in front of them.
* Reduce or eliminate distractions. Each passenger teen added to a car driven by a teenager increases the risk of an accident by 50%. To carry out or take a cell phone call while driving is the equivalent mental focus on the impact of a .08 BAC-legal intoxication!
* Insist on seat belt use. Forty percent of adolescents do not always use them, and a large number of deaths and injuries could be avoided by using them.
* Moving from 50 to 100 hours on the road with your teen in a variety of different driving and weather conditions during 6 to 12 months after they get their license.
* Be a role model. They are watching (and emulate). If you drive through stop signs, exhibit road rage, or speed, so will your children.