Saturday, May 17, 2008

On auto insurance for teenagers

Parents of new drivers have hit a lot of cargo on, with research showing that concerns about teen driving top all other concerns of parents. In addition to the loss of sleep, count on significant additional expense, too. Parents can expect their auto insurance to nearly double when adding a young driver, because the 16-year-olds are nearly 10 times more likely to get accidents than other drivers, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.
The cost-control auto insurance for your teen

You can impact of these costs while maintaining good coverage of these ten effective ways to control costs adolescent automobile insurance:

1. Add your teen to your policy rather than buying separate. The premium rate is generally reflect a combined history of all drivers on the policy.
Unless your teen drives a vehicle provided more than anyone else, you will save additional funds by designating a sound "occasional driver" rather than main engine.

2. Insurance costs will be much higher on new cars and sport, and over two-door cars with four-door cars.

3. If the car is more than six or seven years, consider purchasing liability insurance, but not a collision or insurance, or at least get a high-deductible collision.

4. Get a lot of liability, at least 100/300/50.

5. If you do not already have one, get a political framework that adds at least $ 1 million for your car or the owner of liability protection. It is relatively cheap insurance, and it is terribly easy to face a seven-figure medical and legal costs, with disastrous consequences of accidents.

6. Check your rates often. Many sink rate for teenagers every six months to one year.

7. Some insurers give a discount if your child has a "B" average. Ask.

8. Ask your teen be required to pay an affordable portion of its insurance costs. Determine from your agent exactly what the increase would be if it is a violation of traffic, and say it will be responsible for the full amount of this increase.

9. Some insurers offer discounts if adolescents respond to their surveys on attitudes of conduct and fill out a registration form log information from a number of driving episodes shortly after they are allowed. You May also be able to get a discount following the plan Crashproof or Crashproof signing a contract with your teen.

Teen good driving habits

Avoiding accidents can save a fortune in repair and medical costs, too. Five main ways to help your teen to avoid accidents:

1. To reduce the rear crashes, teach your teen how to emergency brake and maintain a four-second distance from the car in front of them.

2. Reduce or eliminate distractions. Every young person added to a passenger car driven by a teenager increases the risk of accidents by 50%. Making or take a cell phone while driving is the equivalent impact on mental subjected to a blood alcohol level .08 legal intoxication!

3. Insist on seat belt use. Forty percent of teens still do not use them, and many deaths and injuries could be prevented through their use.

4. Moving from 50 to 100 hours behind the wheel with your teen in a variety of driving and weather conditions during a 6 to 12 months after they get their license.

5. Be a great role model. They are watching (and imitation). If you roll through stop signs, exhibition road rage, or speed, if your child.