55. Make yourself against financial ruin. It should not be higher financial priority in your life than health insurance. Otherwise, if your health takes a turn for the worse, hospital costs could easily bankrupt you and your family.
56. Top franchise is your friend. Keep your monthly premiums as low as possible.
57. Do not use insurance as an investment vehicle. The liquidity and security are not on your side.
58. Enough. Have enough life insurance to replace at least five years of your salary, ten years if you have children or significant debts.
59. Do not have too many. You need health insurance. If you are alone and without dependents, you do not need life insurance.
60. Think of insurance before buying a car. Typically, the higher your car, your insurance cost. Keep in mind when buying a car.
61. Choosing the right auto insurance. Do not assume that you should get the cheaper auto insurance or who has the most protection. To find out exactly how much coverage you need.
62. Consider dropping collision coverage. Especially if you have an old car, there is not much sense in protecting against be destroyed if it is already a wreck.
63. Buy home and auto coverage with the same insurer. You will usually get a better deal than you would if you bought the two separately.
64. Write a will. If you have dependents, you need a will. Write and protect your loved ones.
55. Make yourself against financial ruin. It should not be higher financial priority in your life than health insurance. Otherwise, if your health takes a turn for the worse, hospital costs could easily bankrupt you and your family.
56. Top franchise is your friend. Keep your monthly premiums as low as possible.
57. Do not use insurance as an investment vehicle. The liquidity and security are not on your side.
58. Enough. Have enough life insurance to replace at least five years of your salary, ten years if you have children or significant debts.
59. Do not have too many. You need health insurance. If you are alone and without dependents, you do not need life insurance.
60. Think of insurance before buying a car. Typically, the higher your car, your insurance cost. Keep in mind when buying a car.
61. Choosing the right auto insurance. Do not assume that you should get the cheaper auto insurance or who has the most protection. To find out exactly how much coverage you need.
62. Consider dropping collision coverage. Especially if you have an old car, there is not much sense in protecting against be destroyed if it is already a wreck.
63. Buy home and auto coverage with the same insurer. You will usually get a better deal than you would if you bought the two separately.
64. Write a will. If you have dependents, you need a will. Write and protect your loved ones.