Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What are the ways to stay healthy?

* A diet than on a low fat, high fibre enough servings of fruits and vegetables is known to prevent complications of health and many common illnesses. Such a regime is still required to combat some forms of cancer.
* Maintaining an optimum weight, be physically fit, whatever your age, one way to the top of calories and salt and keeping alcohol consumption to a minimum helps prevent cholesterol and blood pressure.
* Avoid tobacco in any form will prove beneficial
* Regular exercise that is incorporated into a daily routine helps to ward off many diseases. People who were inactive throughout their lives, have when they start to exercise, even on a modest scale. Diseases of the heart. Cancer of the colon, blood pressure and diabetes are some of the complications that can be controlled with regular exercise.
* Lighter activities like walking, climbing stairs, gardening, housework currents and aerobic dance or light many advantages. However, if you are accustomed to a sedentary life, please consult your doctor before starting any exercise.
* Use of seat belts while in a car and helmets when driving a two-wheeled is known to have saved many lives.
* The visits to a doctor should be done on a regular basis for preventive care and counseling.

Here are some of the projections that were recommended for men and women that you should be aware of in order to play your role of the family as the custodian to perfection:

* Pap test for women to detect cancer of the cervix - a year. For men, testicular cancer screen - a year.
* Have a glucose fact - Annual
* A mammogram should be performed to detect breast cancer - a year. For men, check the problems of the prostate - a year.
* Consult your doctor at least once on blood tests for total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Follow-up if there are anomalies.
* Check fecal occult blood test with a test that will reveal the silence bleeding if any, in the digestive tract.
* Have a colon and rectum test every three to five years.
* The thyroid is often at the root of many problems. Check with a hormone test again every three to five years.
* Iron may give rise to anemic conditions. Check levels of hemoglobin and ferritin after consulting your doctor.
* Analysis of urine is required on a regular basis if you are diabetic. Excess protein in the urine should also be analysed.
* If you have been exposed to the sun, have a skin examination to detect skin cancer.
* A lipid profile is a must if you have coronary artery disease.
* Tests for glaucoma should be done if you have more than 40 years, especially if there is a family history of glaucoma.