Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tips on selecting an insurance company

The workshops industry an overview of consumer checklist for consumers' attention

If you buy auto insurance, do a little homework first, shop around and carefully choose your insurer. Your insurer should offer both fair prices and excellent service. These tips will help you find the right insurer for you:

1. Know your state of the auto insurance requirements:

Most states require that you wear to a minimum amount of liability. Many states have "no fault" system of automobile insurance. Coverage for medical expenses for you and your passengers is optional in some states. Coverage for damage to your car is optional.

2. Write your personal auto insurance profile:

List of relevant information on this type of vehicle you drive, where you drive, who else drives, what your driving record is, where you live, what safety features in your car option. This profile is the next step easier.

3. Comparison Shop:

Prices for the same coverage can vary from several hundred dollars, so it's worth doing a lap. Ask your friends, check the Yellow Pages and call your insurance service of State for guidance. Contact insurance agents or companies for price information. Select a few insurers for personalized quotes.

4. Meeting with insurance agents:

Make some appointments, bring your personal auto insurance profile with you, and ask questions. You want a fair price and quality of service. Ask about discounts available, higher deductibles, service options and claims procedures after an accident. Take notes.

5. Compare Again:

Consider cost, coverage and quality of service offered. Select your insurer.

6. Read your policy:

Yes, even the small print! Ask questions. Keep your policy at hand. Call your insurer to maintain your policy update, inform your agent of any change (new car, new job, new driver, etc.), and periodically ask about possible discounts. Check your policy each year with your insurer.

8. Keep your insurance with you:

Many states require drivers to carry a proof-of-insurance card with them when driving. Ask your insurer for a card, and keep it in your wallet or in your car.