Monday, March 3, 2008

Used Car Insurance Made Easy

When buying insurance for your car, there are a variety of factors to consider. The state minimum requirements for coverage auto insurance vary depending on the state in which you reside, for example, in the state of Colorado, where I work as an insurance agent, the minimum requirements for coverage of auto insurance is 25/50/25, Who touches to the limits of liability for personal injuries. This is reflected in the $ 25000 per person, $ 50000 per incident and $ 15000 for property damage. Keep in mind that these are the limits absolute minimum required by law. I would definitely recommend carrying more than that, in liability for personal injuries and / cover property damage. If you cause a multiple car pile-up, or even cause an accident in which a few people were injured, chances are that you do not cause more damage than you think. The additional premium that you pay for coverage is much more profitable (and this comes from someone who is fairly conservative when it comes to spending money).
Comprehensive and Collision

It is also important to consider what would be the deductible on your car. It is important to keep in mind that most are your deductible, the lower your premium amount for this year. Also, there are two types of franchises: comprehensive and collision. Global focuses on the potential damage to your vehicle by vandalism, acts of God, leakage, and hitting an animal. Collision has to do with the fact of hitting another vehicle on the road. Comprehensive claims do not affect your insurance premiums future, but collision claims may undermine your future premiums. So, I think you should have a comprehensive deductible lesser and greater deductible collision. My car has a policy of comprehensive coverage and $ 100 a collision of $ 1000. Also, the glass is covered by the comprehensive deductible. Some insurance companies have a $ 0 deductible for glass coverage, so ask your agent about this.
Used Cars Worth Less than $ 2000

If your car used or more is not worth more than $ 2000, and then cover it with liability insurance only. That way, you do not pay a deductible for collision if it would cost you more to pay a deductible that the vehicle is actually worth. However, remember civil liability for personal injury, which could cover you if you are still responsible for an accident. If you injure someone, you can not just pretend that you are broke and have no coverage, you will still have to pay for the injury or damage to property independently.