Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nail Care

Your fingernails May be wanted something - If your nails are weak, splitting, so fragile, the problem can be traced to insufficient water intake.

Most people do not drink enough water nearby. Drink up!
What to do about brittle nails

Most often, Wreckers nails are hard detergents and water, which can stress nail fibres. So, be sure to bring rubber gloves while you clean or do dishes.

Also, avoid using lotions perfume, which typically contain alcohol if your nails are fragile. It will only make your nails worse.

May it is possible that your calcium intake is low, as well.
How to Treat yourself to a manicure

  1. If you prefer your nails to be long or short, they can always look back with a superb little know-how.
  2. Wash and dry your hands.
  3. The use of a double-sided emery board, file using nails a sweet time. Avoid corners of your nails because it could weaken it.
  4. Beginning to shape your nails. The most popular use is oval shaped, but to choose what is best suited to your hand and shape of fingers.
  5. Check to see how you did. Mounting nails on an old pair of pantyhose. Your nails should not hang the hose.
  6. Apply a softener to your cuticles. Let site for a minute.
  7. Transfer hands in a bowl of hot water and soak for an additional period of a few minutes.
  8. Gently push the cuticles. This should not be painful. If hangnails are present, carefully clip.
  9. Apply hand lotion and begin to massage the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. This will circulate the blood. Work Your Way for the remainder of the hand and then repeat the same time give the other hand.
  10. Before the color is applied to nails, they must be cleaned and the easiest way to do that is orange with a stick, which was wrapped in cotton. Soak in the nail polish, and then remove the rub on the surface of the nail. Check the highlight of any residual cream. When no rest, your nails are ready for polishing.
  11. Time for color. Take a small amount of polish on your brush and paint a stroke down the center of your nails. Your brush should take just enough color to this end. Stroke sides of the finger and that's all. The nail should be completely color three strokes. Allow to harden for a minute or so before applying the second coat.
  12. Wait until Polish is established (dry to the touch) and then apply the Top Coat. Do not skip this step, because it is not life only adds to your manicure, it will protect your nails as well.
  13. Disinfect all your equipment with alcohol and when they are dry, store them away until the next manicure.
Nail tips:
  1. Nail varnish can be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. If your nail polish is too thick, try thinning Polish slim.
  3. To avoid the cap collage, she sleeps with a little petroleum jelly to prevent that from happening.