Monday, March 3, 2008

Insurance for Your Car

Vehicle Theft
The stolen cars are intentionally, not accidentally. Car theft costs Canadian consumers almost $ 600 million in insurance claims for vehicles not recovered and the contents stolen.

The consequences of car theft is not just monetary. There is also the emotional upset experienced by victims, the length of time lost, the loss of irreplaceable personal items, and other crimes that are often committed with stolen vehicles.

Why do you need property insurance for your car
Your car is gone. A million things go through your head. Maybe you parked in a different place. Maybe you were towed. And if it was stolen?

Your auto insurance policy covers you for damage or loss of your vehicle - not in the points. Portfolios, CDs, laptop computers, sports equipment, sunglasses, etc., are all considered property in the world of insurance.

Statistics show that the car is stolen somewhere in Canada, every three minutes. When cars are stolen, and personal belongings in the car are rarely recovered. Even when the car is found, personal possessions in the car are usually gone for good.

What happens when my things are stolen from my car?
In general, coverage for the car stolen or damaged property is covered through your property policy. For example, if your car was broken into and that your ski equipment or golf clubs were stolen, it would be covered by the policies of your property.

If you do not have property insurance,
So you are responsible for replacement
None of these stolen objects. If you do
Have home insurance and your car and its contents were stolen, then you will need to make two applications - one on your auto policy for the loss of the car and your property policy for all your objects personnels.

If you have both your home and auto insured with the same company, you only pay a deductible - even if you make a claim on both your home and automobile. If one of your policies have a higher deductible than the others, you must pay the highest. It is one thing to continue the investigation before choosing an insurance company.

What if I do not have a home. Can I still get property insurance?
Absolutely! The thieves did not verify if you own or rent. Everyone must have property insurance - even if you do not own a house. Condominium owners and people who rent houses or apartments should always be a personal property insurance to protect the interior and exterior of the house.