Friday, May 16, 2008

Small businesses subsidies

Sourcing, qualifications and application

Everyone loves the idea of subsidies to small businesses. The free money for your company has an eternal appeal. The reality of obtaining a scholarship is more like the Holy Grail, and often fraught with dangers of bureaucracy on the road. Be under no illusion that it will take time and effort to search and apply for any type of subsidy.

Grants are generally granted by local governments, regional or national. Sometimes (but much more rarely), they come from industry organizations, foundations, trusts and educational institutions.

Find a small business grant is difficult because the schemes are normally a limited amount of distributable funds within a certain time, they are normally intended for local areas, with specific objectives (for example urban renewal) and change over time to keep account different objectives. Because they are intended for different and ever-changing target groups the amount of information available on levels and becomes confused.

Furthermore, it is unlikely that you'll be allowed to use any funds granted for any purpose you wish, they are almost always built with restrictive criteria. Perhaps the most common are:

To encourage investment in areas of poor economic situation, including assistance for resettlement, job creation etc.

Agricole, agriculture or fisheries.

Aims to increase exports overseas

Investment in new technologies or the state of the art "plant and machinery

From research and development

As the end use restrictive criteria which it will depend on the location of your business, its legal form and size of it. Almost always you will need to produce your business plan with any application and contribute a "component" of funding. Most often it is investing an equivalent amount (50%) of what you are granted. Although the contribution that you are supposed to save up to 85% in some cases.

A good resource for British companies or companies seeking to invest in the UK is This site is devoted to grants and awards. To get the most out of it you must register (free of charge!) And put some details about your company and its location in it. Then he makes a full search of the business grants and scholarships database, and comes with financing options possible on the basis of search criteria. For each grant, it is more details about eligibility, and a "next step" if you want to apply.